
While it is never too early or too late to realign your professional career, we know it is not a decision to be taken lightly.

We are proud to have a caring team. Because it is much more than a “job”, a position as a lawyer with MB comes with trust relationships with team members that collaborate and support each other throughout their career. Not surprisingly, in a team that has several junior lawyers, the average time our lawyers have been with us is twenty years!

You can be assured that we treat all applications confidentially and that we take the necessary time to get to know each other.

MB Values

The past few years have once again confirmed the importance of having a close-knit, dynamic, and rigorous team, as well as knowing how to adapt and integrate flexibility and change into our working and management methods. Nothing new for a firm with over 120 years of existence!

The size of our team and the experience of each of our colleagues, 20 years on average, allow real collaboration and unparalleled mentoring. We know how to be creative and have never been afraid to innovate.

If you too are at your best when allowed to be yourself and to express your ideas, if you are passionate about our areas of practice and if you aim for a balance between your personal and professional life, we invite you to browse our offers or simply send us your application using the form below.

We can’t wait to meet you!

Diversity and Inclusion

Monette Barakett is committed to ensuring a diverse and inclusive workplace that provides equal opportunities for all. We believe and apply the principle that excellence and fairness are compatible and that it is beneficial for all to favor an inclusive and heterogeneous work environment.

All job applicants are treated equally and have access to the same opportunities, regardless of their race, color, ethnic or national origin, sex, gender identity, marital or family status, disability, their age, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs.

Available Positions

We are always happy to receive applications from lawyers specializing in labour law and labour relations, as well as litigation.

Tell us about your experience, your strengths and what you are passionate about in your workplace.

We will take the time to discuss with you and determine if our values ​​and vision are right for you. Let’s find out if we would make a good team!


Next steps:

Feel like you would be a good addition to our team? We invite you to send us a cover letter, accompanied by your curriculum vitae, in complete confidentiality, to the attention of Ms. Claire Matte, Manager, Operations and HR, by email: You may also use the form below.

We thank you for your interest; however please note that we could only contact you if you are invited for an interview.

Agencies are asked to refrain.

Privacy Policy: we use your personal information to process and respond to your applications, to conduct interviews and to facilitate your integration into the firm. We value your privacy and we care about the way your personal information is treated. You may read our Privacy Policy here.